Hopper Ejector for Activated Carbon Dosing

industrial solutions specializing in Ejector Systems Ejector Technology and Spray Nozzles

Hopper Ejector for Activated Carbon Dosing

Activated Carbon in both its Powdered (PAC) form and granular (GAC) form is an important ingredient for water & wastewater treatment. Thousands of water treatment plants across the world use Activated Carbon (PAC) for water treatment on a daily basis.
Activated Carbon is a highly porous material and acts as an excellent adsorbent. This gives it a remarkable ability to trap dissolved impurities, contaminants, trace elements and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in water.
Once introduced in water, Activated carbon traps the dissolved impurities and VOCs leaving behind clean water.

Water treatment systems require the PAC or GAC in solid form to be mixed with water and transported to the treatment tanks. Also the activated Carbon has to be dosed in exact quantities in accordance with tank capacities.

Hence the dosing system has to collect the PAC or GAC from the packing bag, mix it with water and transfer it to the dosing point.

Hopper Ejector Systems consist of a skid based unit containing a hopper and a Liquid Eductor. The Outlet of the hopper is connected to the suction inlet of the Liquid Eductor
Hopper Ejectors are essentially liquid ejectors that utilize pumped water for operation.

industrial solutions specializing in Ejector Systems Ejector Technology and Spray Nozzles

During operation, Activated carbon is transferred from the jumbo bags to the Hopper. In large plants Activated Carbon is stored in silos and then fed to Hopper through metering screws. Hopper Ejectors suck the activated carbon from the hopper and mix it with water inside the ejector. The mixture of Activated Carbon and Water is then pumped out from the Ejector outlet.
Thus the Hopper Ejector also acts as pump and can develop significant head at the outlet This enables the PAC mixture to be pumped to long distances with help of the Hopper Ejector

The hoppers are fitted with an inbuilt spray system to ensure smooth flow of material from the Hopper to the Ejector.

Hopper Ejectors are perfectly suited for Activated Carbon dosing because of their inherent characteristics
• Performs dual function of mixing activated carbon with water and pumping the PAC mixture.
• Ejectors do not contain any moving parts and have large internal passage areas, hence are not vulnerable to clogging by solid particles.
• As they have no moving parts, maintenance requirements are very less. Also it reduces largely the risk of abrupt breakdowns, helps in maintaining the regular production schedule
• Service Water is a commonly available utility and hence no additional infrastructure is typically required.