Jet Mixers for agitation of Wastewater equalization tanks.

Jet Mixers for agitation of Wastewater equalization tanks.

Large Wastewater treatment plants receive wastewater from multiple sources.
This leads to variation in quantity and type of pollution load. To streamline wastewater treatment these multiple incoming streams are mixed in order to equalize the wastes and the process is known as wastewater equalization.
It is accomplished by collecting the waste water from multiple sources into large tanks known as Equalization Tanks.

But if the wastewater is allowed to remain idle in the equalization tank it leads to the below issues

  1. The solid particles and sediments start to settle at the base of the tank. If left unchecked it leads to formation of sludge at the bottom of the equalization tank.
  2. Uneven mixing of multiple streams leads to uneven concentrations of pollutants across the tank

Thus agitation and proper intermixing is important for wastewater equalization tanks to avoid the above issues and ensure homogeneity

Accordingly the mixing equipment installed for a wastewater equalization tanks needs to have below attributes

  1. Effective agitation spread uniformly throughout the tank.
  2. Effective circulation that will not allow solids to settle and keep recirculating them to the top.

Jet Mixers are simple devices that utilize water recirculated from the tank by a pump for its operation.

When installed in a wastewater equalization tank jet mixers suck surrounding wastewater and discharge it at high speeds back into the tank. This action displaces and moves the water in the tank and when the Jet Mixer is allowed to operate for some time, this movement of water creates a circulation pattern inside the tank and creates mixing and agitation.

A jet mixing system consists of multiple jet mixers installed at various locations inside the tank. It allows the agitation to be spread evenly throughout the wastewater equalization tank. The circulation pattern is determined by the orientation of the individual jet mixers.
And the agitating intensity is controlled during operation by varying the inlet pressure of the recirculating water
The above attributes allow the Jet Mixing system to be a perfect solution for mixing & agitation of wastewater equalization tanks.

Additionally in the jet mixing system, all components lying inside the tank (Jet Mixers and Pipelines) are static in nature while the moving parts (Pumps and Valves) lie outside the tank.
Being static devices, Jet mixers have negligible maintenance requirement and can operate for many years after installation.
Maintenance is generally required for Pumps and Valves but as they lie outside the tank, maintenance can be carried out conveniently.
Thus regular maintenance does not require draining the tank and the tank can be kept in operation for years without any costly requirement for bottom sludge removal